Olá! Esta lista serve para você que já entende um pouco de programação de scripts para Elfbot NG, nesta lista iremos listar todos os comandos no quesito diversos.
- allowwalk {item1} {item2}... - allows the client/bot to auto-walk on a certain item id;
- altnavdisplay - an alternative way of displaying navigation friends and enemies;
- clear $varname - it's the same as doing set $variablename 0;
- collectitems {backpack} {item1} {item2}... - collects items;
- connect {worldname} {accname} {accpass} {charname};
- copyscreen - will copy the current content of the Tibia window to the clipboard;
- dec $varname - it's the same as doing set $variablename [$variablename-1];
- disallowwalk {item1} {item2}... - disallows the client/bot to auto-walk on a certain item id;
- displaymap - displays a big minimap on your screen, really useful if you're using navigation.;
- displaytext {text} - displays a text message on your screen;
- dontlist - use this if you don't want to list a certain auto bind;
- end - ends the execution of your bind, and restarts it;
- exec {string} - will execute a certain command;
- exivalast - exivas the last person you exivaed;
- exivatarget - exivas your target;
- filewrite {filename} {text} - writes some text to a file, but does not add a new line afterwards;
- filewriteline {filename} {text} - writes text and inserts a line break afterwards in the file;
- filedelete {filename} - deletes a file;
- flash - makes a flash, like alarms does;
- gamesay {text} - says something in game-chat;
- guildsay {text} - says something in guild-chat;
- helpsay {text} - says something in help-channel;
- inc $varname - it's the same as doing set $variablename [$variablename+1];
- ignoretarget {creature} - ignores a target;
- keepmagwall - will keep shooting a magwall on the square you last attempted to shot a magwall on;
- listas {text} - lists a auto bind with a custom text;
- listboxsetup {id} {posx} {posy} {maxlines} {linetime} {direction} - sets up a listbox;
- listboxaddline {id} {colorR} {colorG} {colorB} {linetext} - adds a text to an specified listbox's ID;
- log {text} - logs a text on a new line to the file 'elfscript.log' along with the current time and date;
- logout - makes you logout;
- magwall {creature} - shoots a magwall two squares in front of a creature;
- makerune {mp} {runespell} - creates a certain rune;
- mwallshield - shoots a magic wall in the square that will most effectively shield you from enemy fire;
- mwallcover {creature} - shoot a magic wall which will best cover a creature of your choice to prevent enemies shooting/healing him;
- npcsay - says something in the npc-chat;
- playsound {soundfilename} - plays a .wav file from your Elfbot folder;
- pm {playername} {text} - private messages a message to a certain player;
- reconnect - reconnects you;
- rlsay {text} - says something in the real-life chat;
- savescreen {filename} - saves the current contents of the Tibia window to a file on disk;
- say {text} - says something in your default chat;
- scrollview - makes it possible to look off-screen;
- set $varname {value} - creates a new variable/assigns a new value to an already existing one;
- setcaption {text} - changes the text of your Tibia Client's window;
- setcolor {colorR} {colorG} {colorB} - sets the color of the 'displaytext' command;
- setpos {x} {y} - sets the position for a 'displaytext' command;
- seticonactive {iconname} {timems} - puts an icon into the active state for a certain amount of time;
- seticontext {iconname} {text} - adds extra text to an icon;
- spydown - spies down one level;
- spyup - spies up one level;
- statusmessage {text};
- tradesay {text} - says something in the trade-channel;
- turnoff - turns an auto bind off;
- xlog - x-logs you out of the game;
Em breve outros quesitos de comandos... Aguardem...
2 comentários | COMENTE AQUI!!! :
coloca ae attack target mano
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